Walk Boldly With Jesus

Can We Worship Through The Struggle?

Episode Summary

Job 1:20-21 “Then Job arose, tore his robe, shaved his head, and fell on the ground and worshiped. He said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there; the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” Today's episode talks about how Job worshiped the Lord right after discovering he had just lost all he had. This verse shows us how strong Job's faith was. This episode also talks about how Job wasn't always happy and filled joy while he suffered. He was angry and confused, just as we might be. Yet he could be angry and yet not blame the Lord. He didn't understand what was going on and yet trusted in the Lord. Can we do this? Music:"Adding the Sun" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Episode Notes

Can We Worship Through The Struggle?

Job 1:20-21 “Then Job arose, tore his robe, shaved his head, and fell on the ground and worshiped. He said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there; the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”

I thought this was an interesting verse in Job. This verse came right after Satan’s first attack on Job. Job has just learned that all of his oxen and donkeys were taken away from him, and the people who took them struck down the servants with swords. Then he learned that his sheep and the servants who took care of them were burned to death. As if that wasn’t enough another servant came in and told them all his camels had been captured and his servants had been killed with a sword. And then, to top it all off, a servant came and told him that his sons and daughters were eating and drinking over the older brother’s house when a powerful wind swept in and struck the four corners of the house. It collapsed on the young people, so they died.

This is one of the amazing things about Job. He is so faithful. I am not sure about you but if I learned that I had lost everything, my first instinct would not be to worship. I do love to worship but I don’t feel like I would be able to worship immediately. He had just found out that not only did he lose all physical things, but he lost all of his children as well. I feel like I would need to go through a period of being angry at God. I would also be angry in general. I would be sad, which I am sure Job was sad.

I don’t think my first thing to do would be to worship the Lord and say, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there; the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” Can you believe Job was blessing the Lord just minutes after finding out that his children had died? I knew he never blamed God; that is why he got into this predicament in the first place. He was such a good servant and the enemy tried to tell God it was because God blessed him so much.

I wonder if we would be this faithful. I wonder if we worship the Lord for all the blessings he gave us. Are we what some would call fair-weather friends with the Lord? We are there for Him when all is going well, and yet we blame Him at the first sign of trouble. Do we get angry and scream at Him when we lose our job or our car? What do we do when we lose our children?

Job didn’t just lose one of his children to a deadly disease. He didn’t just lose one of his children to suicide or murder. He lost all his children at the same time. Job went from being the father of seven sons and three daughters to being childless. I can’t imagine the pain he must have been feeling, and yet the first thing he did was worship the Lord. Not only did he worship the Lord, but he also said, “What the Lord gave, the Lord can take away.” He is acknowledging that God is the almighty one and that everything Job had came from Him. He is acknowledging that all we have comes from the Lord.

I just can’t get over Job’s faith. Satan did not stop here with this first attack. Satan came back and infected Job with terrible boils from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. Job was still worshiping the Lord. His wife told him he was a fool. She said to him, “Are you still holding onto your integrity? Curse God and die!”  Job replied, “You speak as a foolish woman speaks. Should we accept only good from God and not adversity?” Throughout all that Job went through He did not sin once with what he said.

This is remarkable. I can totally understand what Job is saying when he says that God gave us everything we have, and so He has a right to take it away. I also agree that if we accept the good from God, we must accept the bad, too. However, I agree with Him in the place I am at right now. I haven’t lost any children. I haven’t lost my home or all my belongings. I don’t know what I would do if I had to go through what Job had to go through.

Job truly loved the Lord. He trusted the Lord fully. I love that the first thing he did was to worship the Lord. I have talked with you many times about how important praise is and I think this is such a good example of how praise and worship can help get us through anything. I don’t think that Job understood what was going on. I don’t think He knew God’s plan, and I don’t think He knew how blessed he would be afterward. It would have been easier for Job to go through all he went through if he knew there was an end in sight and that he would be so blessed afterward.

However, God doesn’t always reveal His plan to us. He leaves us guessing and wondering, and this is where we can lose hope. We can lose hope, or we can praise Him and worship HIm and trust that even though we don’t know what His plan is, we trust He has one and that it is for our good. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” We can stand on this promise. We can rest assured that even though we may be going through a terrible time right now, God has got us in the palm of His hand and He will work all things for our good in His time.

I love that Job worshiped the Lord, but he wasn’t always happy. My sister pointed out the other day that when people usually talk about Job, they make it seem like he was full of joy while he was suffering. This is not the case. He was frustrated and confused. He called out to the Lord for help and expressed his confusion to the Lord. He even told the Lord it would have been better if he had never been born.

I am talking about Job today, not to make you feel bad about how you are handling your difficult situation. I am telling you about Job today to remind you that even though you are in a difficult situation, even though you are angry, frustrated, and confused with the Lord right now, you can still worship Him. You can be angry with Him and yet not blame Him. You can be angry with Him for what you are going through and yet praise Him for the unknown way He will work this for your good.

Romans 8:28 says, “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.” We can rest on this promise, too! We can stand on it and declare it in those times when we aren’t sure how God will save us from our situation or how He will bring us through it. God is good. If we can find a way to worship him in the hard times, as Job did, then we will find those hard times just a bit easier. One way to do this is to make a worship playlist, and when the enemy starts trying to get you to blame God for your troubles, listen to the playlist and remind yourself of how good God truly is. Remind yourself of all the times He has blessed you in the past. One great song to listen to when the enemy is trying to whisper lies in your ear is “The Devil Is A Liar” by Colton Dixon. If you aren’t sure what praise and worship songs would be good, you can check out my playlist called Walk Boldly With Jesus Favorites on Spotify. It has many great songs for whatever you are walking through right now.

Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you to bless everyone listening to this episode. Lord, help us praise you in the hard times. Help us to trust that You are good and that You have good things planned for us even when we can’t see them, even when we don’t understand why we have to walk through this really hard time. Help us to believe you will restore us double on the other side of this hard time just as you did for Job. Lord, help us to see you in all the little things while we are going through a hard time. Help us not to feel abandoned. Help us to feel your presence and to know you are walking through this hard time with us. We love you so much, and we ask all of this in accordance with your will and Jesus’s holy name. Amen!

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey to walk boldly with Jesus. If this podcast is a blessing, would you consider sharing it with others or donating? There is a link below to donate, and if you want to share it, you can click on the three dots at the top of the screen, and it will say share episode. You can text it, email it, or send it to someone on Facebook Messenger. Whatever is easiest for you. I truly appreciate your help and your support. I look forward to meeting you here again tomorrow. Remember, Jesus loves you just as you are, and so do I! Have a blessed day!

Today’s Word from the Lord was received in January 2024 by a member of my Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group. If you have any questions about the prayer group, these words, or how to join us for a meeting, please email CatholicCharismaticPrayerGroup@gmail.com. Today’s Word from the Lord is, “I am all-powerful. So, move forward in faith and trust. My power can overcome everything. There is nothing for you to fear. I am your God. I love you.”