Walk Boldly With Jesus

Mary in Ukraine

Episode Summary

Today, I am going to recount to you several appearances of the Blessed Mother Mary. It’s interesting because I first decided to do this when I heard about a shocking rosary miracle in Ukraine that happened about a year ago. I researched some other amazing things yesterday, and then today, when I was about to start recording, I found an article that discusses previous Marian apparitions in Ukraine. It appears our blessed Mother has visited them a few times over the years. So, today I will read the article from Desmond Miller, and then I will read the information from CNA on Facebook about the recent miracle Mary provided some people in Ukraine. My hope in sharing this with you is so that you can see how important the rosary can be and also so that you can see miracles are still going on today. Music:"Adding the Sun" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Episode Notes

Today, I am going to recount to you several appearances of the Blessed Mother Mary. It’s interesting because I first decided to do this when I heard about a shocking rosary miracle in Ukraine that happened about a year ago. I researched some other amazing things yesterday, and then today, when I was about to start recording, I found an article that discusses previous Marian apparitions in Ukraine. It appears our blessed Mother has visited them a few times over the years. So, today I will read the article from Desmond Miller,(CLICK HERE for first article) and then I will read the information from CNA on Facebook about the recent miracle Mary provided some people in Ukraine. (CLICK HERE for second article) My hope in sharing this with you is so that you can see how important the rosary can be and also so that you can see miracles are still going on today.

Ukraine as a country has suffered very much and yet has been blessed by apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Kievan Rus – the land of Rus (862-1242 CE), a federation of peoples located in the region of modern-day Belarus, Ukraine, and part of Russia, was the first European state to be dedicated to the Mother of God. This was done by Prince Yaroslav the Wise in 1037.

It is believed that in about 1505, the Blessed Virgin appeared in Hrushiv and that the local people had planted a willow tree at the site. Sometime later, a spring of water appeared beneath the tree.

During a severe cholera epidemic in that area in 1855, a local person dreamed that the Virgin had instructed the residents to clear and reclaim the ancient spring and celebrate Mass. This was done, and not one cholera death was reported thereafter.

The first apparition in modern times occurred two weeks before World War I, on May 12, 1914, in the village of Hrushiv. Twenty-two people, who were mowing fields near the local church of the Holy Trinity, all witnessed an apparition of the Virgin Mary. She said to them,

“There will be a war. Russia will become a godless country. Ukraine, as a nation, will suffer terribly for eighty years – and will have to live through the world wars, but it will be free afterward.”

People gathered from the whole area to see the apparition, which lasted into the next day.

Then, on April 26, 1987, seventy-three years later and exactly one year after the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster, a bright light covered the church of the Holy Trinity and the surrounding area. From within this, the Virgin Mary appeared and floated above the cupola of the church. Marina Kizyn, a twelve-year-old girl, was the first to see this apparition. She immediately called her mother and some neighbors; all came and witnessed the apparition. Soon, hundreds and then thousands came from all over Russia to see the apparition, which continued daily until August 15, 1987. It is estimated that a total of 500,000 people had seen her by the time these apparitions ended. The Virgin Mary was even seen by the KGB agents! Many priests (from underground Catholic churches) came and provided as many as ten Holy Masses each day in front of the church. Many messages were documented:

“I have come on purpose to thank the Ukrainian people because you have suffered most for the church of Christ in the last 70 years. I have come to comfort you and to tell you that your suffering will soon come to an end. Ukraine will become an independent state.”

“Teach the children to pray. Teach them to live in truth and live yourselves in truth. Say the Rosary. It is the weapon against Satan. He fears the Rosary. Recite the Rosary at any gathering of people.”

“I have come to comfort you and to tell you that your suffering will end soon. I shall protect you for the glory and the future of God’s kingdom on earth, which will last for a thousand years. The Kingdom of Heaven and Earth is close at hand. It will come only through penance and the repentance of sins.”

“The Eternal God is calling you. This is why I have been sent to you. You in the Ukraine were the first [European] nation to be entrusted to me. Throughout your long persecution you have not lost faith, hope, or love. I always pray for you, my dear children, wherever you are.”

“Oppression and wars continue to occupy the minds and hearts of many people. Russia, despite everything, continues to deny my Son. Russia rejects real life and continues to live in darkness. If there is not a return to Christianity in Russia, there will be a Third World War; the whole world will face ruin.”

Ukraine had its declaration of independence ratified in Kiev on August 24, 1991 – some 77 years after Blessed Mary’s prediction in 1914!

Now we are witnessing the Russian invasion of the Ukraine beginning on 24 Feb. 2022 with yet more suffering and the potential for the start of a third world war.

I believe that God allows this to happen as a form of chastisement, a purification, a call to turn again to God. We are to repent, to praise and thank Him in every situation.




"For 18 Days, 45 of us trapped Underground  By Russian Missile Strikes came out safe  through a Diamond Lady that Kept Us Alive and Nourished Us." 

Beloved Souls and great Lovers of the Most Holy Rosary of our Lady, I wish to bring this edifying Rosary MIRACLE to strengthen your faith and love towards It. 

As the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, remains under bombardment with missile strikes and rockets crashing into a residential building, Cathedrals, Churches, etc.

The Ukrainian aid workers rescued 45 civilians, mostly women, children, and the aged. We were trapped in the debris of about 2,000 feet underground for 18 days!

The rescue of these people who had been feared dead has been described as, I personally believe is an inspiring miracle of the Consecration of Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary,  Queen of Ukraine, Our Lady of Ransom, Our Lady of Good Remedy, Queen of the Holy Rosary. 



"As we were underground, it was dark and suffocating. Somehow, I accidentally touched my pockets and remembered my Rosary was in it. The moment I pulled it out and recited the first Hail Mary, a woman as shining like a diamond appeared. The moment She appeared, the entire under-earth was filled with light and oxygen. The moment she left, we all felt nourished, well-fed, and our thirst for water quenched. Each time we said our Angelus and Rosary, The Diamond woman would appear to bless us, supply us, leave us with Magnificent Light and Oxygen that accompanies Her Majestic presence."

It was so glorious for the victims that when the Ukrainian aid workers, with the use of the latest technology - unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), discovered that human beings were trapped there, and action was taken to rescue them. At the point of the rescue, most of the victims were reluctant to come out. In fact, one of them said, 

*"I can never come out from here, so I don't miss the company of the Diamond Lady. She is so kind."*

It took the Miraculous appearance of our Lady to get her out of the rubbles, who now assured the young girl that She, the Queen of the Holy Rosary, would always be with all of them. *

Our Lady then advised them to tell the world that She is the Queen of Peace and can bring Peace to our troubled world if enough of us can pick up our Rosaries and pray to God. For the Rosary is the only weapon through which God has promised to bring peace and save the world.”


As you can see, Mary has a special place in her heart for the people of Ukraine. It is incredible how she not only appeared to provide comfort in the latest miracle but also provided light, oxygen, and nourishment. In all or at least most of her apparitions, she is appealing to us to say the rosary.  It must be important or she wouldn’t keep saying it. It only takes 20-30 minutes a day and you can say it anywhere. I like to say it when I am driving in the car. There are apps you can download as well so you don’t have to feel as though you are saying it alone.  Also, they are helpful if you aren’t sure how to say it or you don’t know all the words to all the prayers. If you truly don’t have 20-30 minutes a day, or if that commitment seems too overwhelming for you, try just one decade a day. That only takes five minutes or so and by the end of 5 days you will have completed a whole rosary. Think about it, pray, and see where the rosary fits into your life.