Walk Boldly With Jesus

Witness Wednesday #67 Joanne & Jasmin

Episode Summary

Today I have two witnesses for you. Both of these witnesses were sent to me via email & FaceBook and so I am going to read them to you. The first one is from my aunt. My dad only has one brother and he lives in CA. We haven’t seen him in a very long time and while he was living in CA he got married. I have never met his wife. One day I got a notification that I had a new subscriber on my YouTube channel and I could see by the last name, it was his wife. I found her on facebook and reached out to her. I had heard she was very sick and wanted to offer to pray over the phone for her healing. She accepted and then sent me this testimony. The second witness is from someone you heard from before. Jasmin has come on and given a witness before. If you would like to listen to her witness you can go back to episode #256. She has recently been looking for a new job as her current one has not been good for her physical or mental health. She found a job that she wanted to take but it did not have health insurance and she has medical issues and can not be without insurance. She was getting discouraged and so I sent her a message on FaceBook and the following witness is the amazing reply I received. Music:"Adding the Sun" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Episode Notes

Today I have two witnesses for you.  Both of these witnesses were sent to me via email & FaceBook and so I am going to read them to you.  The first one is from my aunt.  My dad only has one brother and he lives in CA.  We haven’t seen him in a very long time and while he was living in CA he got married.  I have never met his wife.  One day I got a notification that I had a new subscriber on my YouTube channel and I could see by the last name, it was his wife.  I found her on facebook and reached out to her.  I had heard she was very sick and wanted to offer to pray over the phone for her healing.  She accepted and then sent me this testimony.

Hi Catherine I thought I would send this to you because I'm just so excited that your prayers over me to our Lord resulted in my  healing. 

Here's my story. My name is Joanne I'm 70 years old and I've had diabetes since 1998 and peripheral neuropathy since 2010.  I've asked myself many times over the past years how long do I have to wait for a healing? This neuropathy has been steadily getting worse over the last years and I had to quit my job in November of 2022 because the pain was so severe I could not walk. I had basically become bedridden.  People have prayed over me many, many times for healing and it never arrived. So that's why I asked how long do you wait for a healing? 

My husband and I have our quiet time with the Lord every morning Jean, my husband has a brother, Pierre, who informed him that is niece Catherine has a podcast called Walk Boldly with Jesus. We started listening and we signed up with her podcast. She contacted us and asked if she could pray over me for healing. Of course, I said yes because I never give up a chance for healing. On June 10th she called and ask me what my pain level was using a scale of 1 to 10. That day my pain level was an 11. She prayed over me for a long time and after she was finished praying there was very little change in my pain, however I was more at peace. Catherine called the next day and I told her that my pain level was at about a 7 and she prayed over me again. Each day for 3 days the pain level went down a little more. On June 13th I got out of bed and I did not realize that I didn't have any pain until I made it to the kitchen. The Miracle that I had been longing for was finally mine. I had no pain for the first time in so many years. My husband and I were praising God left and right up and down. Jean kept asking me "are you sure you have no pain", "are you sure you have no pain?"

We of course let  Catherine know and thanked her for that prayer to our lord for my healing. I am so thankful.

So I say for those of you that have been prayed over for healing and nothing changes immediately, don't think that God doesn't love you or that he is punishing you. Remain persistent in your prayers and have people pray over you again and again and even by phone.

I believe that being persistent in your prayers and never giving up hope, God will answer and your healing will occur.

Thank you Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

The second witness is from someone you heard from before.  Jasmin has come on and given a witness before.  If you would like to listen to her witness you can go back to episode #256.  She has recently been looking for a new job as her current one has not been good for her physical or mental health. She found a job that she wanted to take but it did not have health insurance and she has medical issues and can not be without insurance.  She was getting discouraged and so I sent her a message on FaceBook and the following witness is the amazing reply I received.  

Hi Catherine! I thought I had send on my original message but I didn't. So much has happened and things went so far to the left but thank the Lord and by the grace of God it all worked out in the end and I have a new 5th grade position. I have such a big testimony to share about what happened and how I got here but I'm still wrapping my head around it and processing it all. Thank you so much for thinking of me

So here it is the best way I can get it out. So I have been searching for a job and there is a job fair that I almost didn't go to but of the last minute I decided to go to it and from that job fair I had several schools interested. One school in particular was very persistent and told me that she really wanted to hire me and she asked for the go-ahead to check my references. Now my principal was already aware that I had been looking for jobs and I felt it was safe to tell her yeah she can check my references. The night before I had prayed and I asked God to please show me what I need to do. Do I stay where I am, do I go to this new position, what to do? I also asked for confirmation to be so supernatural that there is no way that I could deny that it came anywhere but from Him. A little while later I get a call from a colleague who is on the administrative team. She said that my principal's furious, that she had said all kind of horrible things about me, about my disability, and about me having to go and get infusions. She felt like I betrayed her by trying to go this other school and that the other districts would use my disability against me as a reason to fire me. I was just in a state of bewilderment. I was like, “God why did you let me apply for this job and tell this lady okay to give my references if you knew that how this is how this was going to all turn out? As the day went on it got worse and worse and worse and more things were said and by this point I'm just frantic. I text my principal and I ask her to call me. She said that she would call me but she continued to instead call this colleague and continue to say bad things about me. In the midst of all this my son told me that he saw a snake in the backyard. I told him to grab the machete and kill it because we're used to killing small ones and he came running back and said no Mom is a big one. So I go to see what he's talking about and I'm like I don't see anything, what are you talking about? He keeps saying mama it’s right there, you don't see it? Mama it’s right there you don't see it? And I'm like, “No, I don't see it what are you talking about?” So he told me it was underneath something and he kept hitting the thing that it was underneath. I'm like well if it was something under they would come out and it didn't. So about this time I instructed him to get a stick and flip it over and lo and behold there was a pretty big snake curled up under there. So I grabbed the machete and I go to kill it and I strike and I miss. It never ran. It lifted his head up looked at me and continued to flick his tongue and shake his head side to side as if it were taunting me or trying to hypnotize me. I got up and strike it again and cut off its tail.  It still never ran, never moved, struck again, cut off another part, still never ran, never moved, kept looking at me with that same taunting hypnotized look. Struck again finally cut off his head. Now the crazy thing about this is that this neck never bled and it never ran. I left it there because I had nothing to pick it up with and hours later I came back not one drop of blood was spilled and the animals and the birds wouldn't even peck at it and try to take it away The ants did not even want it.

So as I'm sitting there all distraught about my job. I talk to my principal, I told her that it wasn't about her it was about me. I really want to do something different and then she goes ahead and tells me that she was hurt because she felt like I was trying to go to the same place as where we were and I told her you know I want to do something different and she basically told me that my disability and the fact that she had to make accommodations for me for my disability is the reason why I was not getting the positions that I applied for and that I would not get any other position until I no longer needed accommodations for my disability. Now at this point I am upset, I'm sad, and I'm hurt because I didn't ask to be in this predicament and I'm like what is all that is going on in this day is crazy and then I have the snake at my back door and then I'm like what does this mean and then it hit me. God spoke to me. He told me that snake has been there for ain't no telling how long, curled up under that thing that's been sitting there for over a year.  It’s probably just been there growing, doing whatever and you were oblivious to the fact that it was there and once you flipped that cover back and you saw it, it was revealed to you. He said I had to reveal this truth to you in order to make you move. Because you would not have moved had I not shown you the truth. And that's so true because I had resigned myself to stay there. I had resigned myself to stay where it was comfortable, to keep confusion down, to keep everybody happy and to just remain in my comfort zone. God told me, now that you see the truth when I open that door you know what you need to know to walk through it. A couple hours later that next day my new principal called me and said that she would still having trouble verifying my references to hold on that she really wanted to hire me and she asked to see my evaluations from the last few years. I sent her everything that she asked for 10 minutes later she called me and offered me the job.

I'm still wrapping my head around everything that God loves me so much that he sent an undeniable sign and message to me to give me the courage to step out in faith and walk into a situation that he has prepared for me. Even though it hurt me to see all of those things I learned that people who I thought I could trust and who were close to me are really snakes lying and waiting and growing right next to my back door and I was oblivious to it until God threw off the cover and allowed me to see. I don't know who this testimony can help by sharing I don't even know how to articulate it in a way that it all makes sense and this might sound crazy and jumbled up to you but I had to get it out and tell someone because never in a million years what I have thought that I would experience something like that. The fact that it didn't even bleed and that the ants and no other animals would touch it, is what really took me aback and blew me away. Like I said I'm still trying to wrap my head around what everything means but I just had to tell you.

Thank you both for sharing your testimonies with me.  I love to hear how God is working in your lives.  God is so good.  Sometimes we can’t even fathom the good He has in store for us.  I am so very grateful for the healing He did for my aunt Joanne.  She can finally walk without pain and it is amazing!! I am also grateful, not only for the job he provided for my friend Jasmin but also for the way he allowed her to understand what was going on and to be sure the new job was the job for her.  It can be hard to leave a current job and he provided her the assurance she needed to know she was doing the right thing.  Thank you Lord, you are awesome!